heal with the

whales & dolphins

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their wisdom & practical tips, FOR FREE,

every month?

Do you feel ready to dive in & experience THE MOST POWERFUL HEALING and quantum shifts with the Whales now?

BOOK A PRIVATE SESSION for core level healing.

The Whales, the real elders of our planet, will help you RELEASE, CLEAR and HEAL what has been holding you back from your PURE POTENTIALITY, JOY, SUCCESS & SELF-EMPOWERMENT. Sessions are via Zoom.

Sessions are available in ENGLISH or SPANISH

What if …

The whales would have been here all this time to, also, help us, humans, heal & evolve?

This is what I learned in 2020 and, since then, I have been mesmerised by their immense power, their unconditional love and their incredible energetic ability to help us heal, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Actually …

The Whales could be the most ancient and spiritually advanced Souls on our planet

According to inter-species communicator and healer, Laurie Reyon:

The Whales have had physical form on Earth for over 300 million years. 

They tell us that it is time to upgrade our systems and make a conscious quantum shift within our own operating systems.

In other words,

They tell us that it is time for us to wake up and evolve.

The wisdom the Whales & Dolphins share with us in their messages and in the sessions holds the codes of creation and healing that we need now to thrive and to embody the powerful and amazing beings that we came here to be.

And yes … in case you forgot,

You came here to live in a state of joy, happiness, health, love, success and self-empowerment.


Their intention is for you to experience accelerated change, growth and expansion.

Their processes will assist you in moving into higher states of consciousness and in raising your vibration.

Karen Kuchel (NYC)

Lighting Specialist

"I had the most special healing experience with Marta and the whales, UNLIKE ANYTHING I HAVE EXPERIENCED. Marta has a beautiful presence and created a wonderful sacred container to work in. I haven’t been feeling well for a long time, and recently had a setback. After the session, I slept deeply for 3 hours and the next day I feel much more energetic and clear."

Are you ready for some advanced core level healing & magic?

(Art by: Monica Sauro @monicavisuals)

First, let me ask you:

  • Would you be ready to relax and to allow the most conscious and unconditionally loving beings on Earth TAKE CARE OF YOU?

  • Would you desire to have the real elders of our planet HELP YOU OVERCOME YOUR STRUGGLES, with their wisdom and healing power?  

  • Are you willing to ALIGN WITH WHO YOU REALLY ARE, the divine conscious creator that you are, and to start bringing much more flow and solutions into your life?

  • Are you ready to CLEAR, once and for all, THE OLD BLOCKS AND PATTERNS that are stopping you from living a life of joy, happiness, love, success and self-empowerment?

  • Do you want to RELEASE WHAT HAS BEEN HOLDING YOU BACK from your pure potentiality?

  • Are you ready to RAISE YOUR VIBRATION, feel much lighter in your body and start shining your beautiful unique light into the world?

If you answered yes to any of these questions …

Then you ARE ready to experience the healing and activations of the Whales & Dolphins.

Adrian (L.A, USA)

Intuitive Channel & Coach

"this truly took me to a new level, leading me to the connections and resources for my path ahead”.

The Whale Healing Experience was like no other I have experienced. Normally I get lots of visuals and symbolism coming through during healings, but in this process, I was able to truly relax and allow the codes to reach me on a cellular level. The whales have been gently with me since the healing. At the time of the healing, I was in a space that was pretty expanded and this truly took me to a new level, leading me to the connections and resources for my path ahead. I AM OPEN IN A WAY I NEVER HAVE BEEN, with myself and in my life with others. I am so grateful for the multidimensional codes offered through this beautiful healing with Marta. Thank you!".

Lynne Niehaus (USA)

Interior Design and Color Specialist

"There is only one word to describe my experience with Marta and the Whale/Dolphin Healing sessions; that word is: MAGICAL”.

Not only did I feel absolutely amazing afterward, but I also gained so much insight about my connection to others, to Source, and to the work I need to be doing in the World. AS AN ADDED BONUS, my right hand which has suffered from some sort of untraceable neurological damage for the past 8 years is gaining strength and range of motion daily. Marta did a beautiful job helping me open my heart to the able to receive the power of the whales. I am deeply grateful."

But … what does really happen during a session?


(& for a few days later)

The Whales and Dolphins access your Akashic Records and your original Soul Divine Life Blueprint.

This exists within the matrix of the grid systems of the Earth.

Your records also exist within the water molecules of Earth’s oceans, and can easily be accessed by Whales and Dolphins who are stewards for humanity.

The processes will assist you in moving into higher states of consciousness and in raising your vibration.

Although your Whale Healing and Clearing session will last approximately 90 minutes, the healing process from this session may continue within your body for the next 8 - 10 days.

It is therefore recommended that you be gentle with your body, try to get as much rest as possible to aid in the integration of these healing energies, and be kind to yourself in your thought processes.

  • Now is the time to embrace your Pure Potentiality, to release self-judgment, and to recognise yourself as the Divine Being of Light that you are!

Lara (U.K)

Reiki Master & Intuitive Healer

"Before the healing experience, I had been experiencing muscle ache and a feeling of tiredness and heaviness. Marta’s energy was so lovely. Very calming. Her voice is very soft and she spoke beautifully throughout the treatment, which was good. Voices are very important to me. Marta made sure that I understood what we were doing and why we were doing it.

When doing the guided meditation I felt huge rushes of energy going through my body. Lots of tingling and goosebumps but in a really nice way. There were times when I felt quite intense emotions. I felt energy pouring into my heart area and my head. I practice Reiki myself, so I am always aware of changes in energy and I experienced a lot of this throughout the session.

At one part it felt like I was being lifted out from my heavy dense body and into a newer lighter energy body.

At the end of the session I felt a lot lighter, the muscle ache and fatigue had gone (which IS AN ABSOLUTE MIRACLE!) I had some emotions that I needed to release but I did so without feeling any sort of emotional pain if that makes sense.

The message Marta gave me from the Whale was beautiful and that also made me cry, as I really felt the words that she gave to me."

Would you like to know my personal experience with the Whales?

This is what happened to me …

For years, and especially since I became a mum, I noticed a pattern in my relationship that I was not proud of.

Even if I promised myself that my kids would not grow up witnessing their parents argue all the time, I found myself reacting and arguing with my husband almost every evening before going to bed. I had trained in transformational life coaching and conscious parenting and I did all I could to change that. But something was there, at a very subconscious level, that I felt was not mine and that kept me in that repetitive cycle. This is why, when I met the Whales and heard of the opportunity of receiving a healing and clearing session, I took it!

I went into the session with the intention to clear that pattern, contract, whatever you want to call it … The next day something had shifted. I never since felt that unconscious need to argue, judge or react to my husband in the same way.

We sometimes argue, for sure! Life gets messy and we have two young kids … But it is completely different. For a year now, 90% of the evenings we go to bed at night much more connected, supportive, and loving than ever before, and our sense of humour is much more alive now.

And yes, I attribute this 100% to whatever the Whales helped me clear in that session, almost 4 years ago.  

I do not intend to say that you can do business as usual and hand it over to the Whales. No.

You have to commit to your own growth. The Whales will help you, but you are 100% responsible for your life, your thoughts, feelings and actions and for keeping your vibration high.

IT IS WHEN YOU commit to do things differently…

When you combine YOUR FREE WILL and your own capacity to heal …



absolute magic happens!

Why are the Whales and Dolphins so powerful?

The Cetaceans are Vibrational Healers

They use many modalities to assist humans.

They are multidimensional Beings capable of using Light and Sound BioTechnology to assist us in a multitude of ways.

The Origin of Creation is Light, Sound and Sacred Geometry.

Sound can permeate all levels of our being, affecting every level of existence and even recalibrating our DNA. For over 40,000 years, sound has been used for healing because of its incredible effectiveness.
When we listen to Whale and Dolphin songs …

We are giving permission for a personal calibration within our physical and emotional bodies.

The great Humpback Whales have shown us that they can realign your energy and your body using their tones. Their songs actually open vortex tunnels, or portals of spinning sacred geometry, as they assist you directly in creating a higher vibration and state of well-being.

Carson Kivari (Canada)

Founder of Thrive Counselling Centre

"I opened myself to guidance and love of Whales and Dolphins at a very chaotic point in life. Despite having had many waking up experiences since my youth, I had drifted into a burned out and mechanical way of living—amnesiac to my spiritual nature.

Connecting with Marta as an intermediary between myself and the Whales was a great turning point.

Marta BALANCES DEPTH AND INTENSITY WITH SOFTNESS AND HUMOUR, providing comfort for those that are spiritually awake and those looking up for the first time.

I would describe allowing the Whales into my consciousness as vibrational medicine.

After each session the auspicious coincidences that remind us that we are interconnected energy would appear. ‘That's a good sign’. I was able to use each of the 12 layers like waves on which I could surf, making changes to my life while editing unconscious lifestyle habits.

Introducing the Dolphins added ANOTHER LAYER OF DIRECTNESS. I could see how Dolphin work may be a LOT for some people, but I personally found them so vibrationally activating and TO-THE-POINT that it further helped me to identify blind spots and make changes.

Included across the sessions has been energetic work, body work, Akashic consultation, causal channeling and closing of contracts completed with other souls.

ONE WORD OF CAUTION is that by engaging this sort of work, please be ready to make changes, let go of what has served its time, and embrace the deaths necessary so that new life may take root. It can be grievous and scary to let go of what is familiar, but I promise that what is waiting is so radiant you won’t look back afterwards.

Thank you Marta and thank you to the Whales and Dolphins that offer love unconditionally”.

The Whales see you in your purest form and are excited to support you in your life journey!

And I would be honoured to facilitate this process with you and the Great Whales!

 frequently asked questions

  • Not at all. The Whales and I will guide you during every step of the session.

  • All you need is: a quiet space (where you won’t be disturbed for at least 90 minutes), a mobile or laptop or tablet, good internet connection, a glass of water and a place to lie down for the part of the guided meditation. But, most importantly, an open heart and an open mind :).

  • Yes! 24 hours after the session you will receive the recordings, so that you can repeat it at home at your convenience. Actually, it is recommended that you do so.

  • All the materials and sessions are designed to harmonise with all belief systems and healing practices. You can receive healing from the Whales and, at the same time, continue with the work you are already undertaking or any other healing that you are engaged in.

  • Approximately 90 minutes, though sometimes they can go up to 1h45 minutes.

  • The sessions are online (via zoom) and private with you, Marta & the Whales (that participate etherically). They last from 90 to 1h45 minutes approximately.

    During that time, THE WHALES WILL:

    • Show you how to raise your vibration (and the vibration of your home) and hold it (no matter how chaotic or dense the world is out there).

    • Share important wisdom that most humans haven’t accessed yet.

    • You will have the opportunity to relax and receive the healing and clearing of everything that your Soul decides to clear right now (based on your stated intentions), so that you can start experiencing the joy, happiness, purpose, success and self empowerment that is your birth right.

    • And, finally, you will receive a PERSONAL CHANNELED MESSAGE from the Whales.

  • Yes, there are 3 types:

    Whale Healing and Clearing (this is the first one, and necessary first step to continue any healing work with the Whales and Dolphins).

    Light body activations and healing with the White Whales : There are 12 templates they would like upgrade you with. You can see the 12 here. (You can only receive one of the 12 activations per session).

    Dolphin DNA Calibrations: There are 12 DNA layers that the dolphins offer to re-calibrate for you. Each, and each of the 12 calibrations can be combined with one of the light body activations in the same session).

Meet marta, your ‘facilitator’

For the last 7 years I have personally supported dozens of women, mothers and some men, in incredible transformation processes towards their wholeness, power, purpose, confidence, love and joy through my private sessions and group coaching programs.

I have inspired hundreds of women through my free resources and, since 2021, I have facilitated incredibly healing and awakening processes with dozens of women and men around the world working with the Whales and Dolphins, as a Certified Whale and Dolphin Light Energy Medicine Practitioner.

In 2012, meditating by the Indian ocean, I received a call to be in service to us humans and our brothers and sisters from the natural world, so that we could work for Mother Earth in harmony. And it was finally in 2020, at the shores of the Marmara Sea (Turkey) when the Whales and the Dolphins called me into service, so that I would bring their healing into my work.

Would you like to dive in and experience the most powerful healing & quantum shifts with the Whales?